My name is Paola, I live in the north of Italy and I give testimony to the presence of Jesus among us and to the graces He gives to all those who believe in Him. In the '80s and' 90s my family was heavily persecuted by the presence of the Devil. We had all kinds of trouble, especially my two daughters. After many years of suffering we met a young priest who took us by the hand spiritually and guided us along a great journey of faith. We put our heart into it and started to believe with an unbounded trust that the Lord Jesus (and He alone) could help us. On December 8th, 1988, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, our life began to change: my first daughter was finally released through a prayer made by some charismatic people, and our family life came to be serene and in peace. But in April 1990, I was affected by cancer: ovarian cancer with malignant cells in the stomach. After the first moments of bewilderment, we all trusted in God again and we took on the course of the disease, tests and surgeries (two in twenty-eight days). We asked for help in prayers again and the same charismatic people, who had prayed for my daughter, prayed for me, too. In the morning of the second surgery, the bigger one, a stomach-surgery. I prayed and asked the Lord for His Word, through the Bible. The passage that came under my eyes was: "You will not die, but you will live to proclaim the works of the Lord!" I closed the Bible and with great serenity I went to the operating room. After 5 hours the doctors informed me about the outcome of the surgical intervention and they said that there would be no need for further treatment or chemotherapy, because the stomach-cancer that had been diagnosed (with the most sophisticated tests) had disappeared, but the doctors had not taken it away: when the doctors had opened my stomach, no trace of the tumor was longer there! The Lord had acted on me and my family with love again, and we will never stop to thank Him. But that was not the end. In 1995 my husband (he was 49) was hit by very serious stroke with heart failure, he passed a week in intensive care in life-threatening, but thanks to God he saved himself. A lot of things happened in the following years ... I could write a book. I want just to say that the faith in the Lord has saved us especially in times of despair and sadness. I imagined to spend my old age in serenity, but the Lord sent me the hardest test.... In November 2007 my husband was affected by acute myeloid leukemia, and since he was already carrying a disease of the bone (the Polycythemia) there was nothing to do, so that after 20 days he left us. That time we had to entrust him to the Mercy of God definitively. My husband kept an incredible lucidity, entrusted himself to Jesus and He gave him the strength to face death serenely. I wish all the people who are going to meet the Lord to do the same. He suffered so much during those 20 days. but his last words were: "I do not suffer anymore, I'm fine, I'm with my Jesus!" After 6 hours he died in the peace of the Lord, he was 62 years old, it was on 13th December 2007, the day of Light. I have been always close to him and I have accompanied him with prayer and much love on his way to the Lord, and his spiritual father and all the medical staff of the hospital have done the same. I Paola. with the help of God and prayer, go forward for the love of my husband and to support my family: my daughters and their husbands and especially my four grandchildren, Rebecca (10 years old), Serena (7), Marrina (6) and Riccardo Giovanni, born a month after the death of my husband. I thank the Lord for all the joys that He gave me. for the 39 years of marriage we (my husband Giovanni and I) experienced, for the family that we built together and also for the sorrows we lived, because those sorrows fortified us and let us find FAITH, the real one!

I greet with affection all those who will read this testimony,                                                                                             PAOLA PIRANIO